
The HealthXL Digital Health Podcast #2: Consumer Driven Healthcare - Positive Realism

The HealthXL Digital Health Podcast #2: Consumer Driven Healthcare – Positive Realism

Commentary By: Maeve Lyons, HealthXL

In this episode, Robert talks about the firms consumer health thesis and explores what companies like Livongo are doing to scale – how startups should work with corporates (and vice versa) and how to stop ‘pilotitis’.

As a boy Robert Garber dreamed of being a flying firefighter.  He narrowly avoided law school at last minute and decided to teach himself to code.  After securing his first programming role he quickly progressed to a developer, from there into product management, finance and sales before moving into the CEO seat.  He spent 10 years as an operator and then moved into investing which he has been doing for the last 22 years.

Read the rest and get the link to the podcast HERE.